Member and Guest Handbook
General Rules
Members and Guests must always conduct themselves in a courteous and appropriate manner.
It is the responsibility of all Members and guests to immediately report inappropriate or dangerous behavior to a lifeguard or member of the front desk staff.
Members and guests must enter and leave through the main entrance.
Members must scan in with their phone or check-in at the front desk if they prefer not to use a phone for access.
Day guests must purchase a pass at the front desk upon initial entry of the facility.
Glass containers are not allowed within the facility.
Members and guests must always obey Lifeguards and other GVAC staff members.
Socializing with or distracting a Lifeguard in any way while they are surveilling water is not permitted.
Lifeguard stands are for the use of Lifeguards only. Do not climb on or stand on, under, or in front of Lifeguard stands.
Members and guests must always walk while on the pool deck. Running, horseplay, fighting, profane language, and loitering are prohibited.
Children 5 years and younger must always remain within arm’s reach of an adult, both in the pool and out.
Children between the ages of 6 and 12 must have a supervising adult in the facility. Children in this age group who wish to use the Competition Pool must pass a swim test. Children who do not pass a swim test, are not permitted in the Competition Pool unless they have a parent or guardian in the water and within arm’s reach.
Children over the age of 4 are not permitted in the opposite gender changing room. A family changing room is available for use by all Members and guests.
Changing room decency is expected, a towel or outer garment must always be worn when moving about the changing room and showers.
Electronic devices with camera capabilities (phones, tablets, etc.) are not to be used in the changing room, restroom, or pool areas of the facility. These devices can be used in the lobby, classroom, event room, terrace, and parking lot areas.
Food and drinks (except for water in a non-glass container) and gum are not allowed in the pool area or changing rooms.
Drugs, tobacco, vaping products, and alcohol are not allowed on the GVAC property.
Weapons of all kinds, including firearms, are prohibited from the facility. Weapons carried with a permit are also prohibited.
The GVAC does not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items.
Lockers can only be used for the duration of a Member’s or guest’s visit. There will be no “holding” of lockers, lockers will have a combination lock that can be set by each user and must be emptied at the end of each visit. Items left behind in lockers and changing rooms will be placed in the “Lost and Found” area after close each day.
Individuals are not permitted to use the center for personal gain. All individual lessons (personal trainers, therapists, swim, etc.) must be scheduled through a member of the GVAC staff.
The General Manager has the authority to revoke a Member’s or guest’s privileges of using the GVAC for any length of time for violating any of the rules or regulations.
Proper Attire
Swimsuits are required.
Shoes worn outside are prohibited in pool area.
Thong swimsuits are prohibited.
All pieces of swimsuit must stay in place at all times.
All attire worn must be clean and in good condition.
Swimwear that becomes “see-through” when wet is not allowed.
Board shorts, anti-rash swim shirts, and swim shoes (if not previously worn outside) are allowed.
We require a disposable swim diaper or an approved reusable swim diaper for children who are not toilet-trained. A swimsuit must be worn over the swim diaper. We highly recommend an approved reusable swim diaper over a disposable swim diaper. Swim diapers can be purchased at our front desk for your convenience.
Street clothes are not allowed to be worn in the pool, this includes shorts with belt loops, cutoff jeans, t-shirts, dress shirts, jeans, sweatpants, dresses, skirts, footwear that has been worn outside.
Guests with improper or indecent swimwear will be asked to change or leave the facility.
Health and Safety Regulations
Members and guests should shower before entering the pools and after using the toilet.
Members and guests who have or have had diarrhea in the past two weeks should not use the pools.
Swimming with skin lesions/open wounds, skin infections, discharges, sores, inflamed eyes, mouth, nose, or ear discharges will not be allowed.
Spitting, nose-blowing, vomiting, urinating, or defecating into the pool or onto the pool deck is not permitted
Drinking of pool water is not allowed.
All injuries occurring within the facility must be reported to a lifeguard or member of the front desk staff immediately.
Therapy Pool Rules
This pool is designed for therapeutic exercise and relaxation.
Members and guests must be 16 or older to use the Therapy Pool.
Diving or jumping into the Therapy Pool is prohibited.
If therapeutic need is necessary for a Member or guest under the age of 16, permission must be granted by a member of the front desk staff.
Competition Pool Rules
The Competition Pool is for lap swimming and training purposes unless otherwise specified on the Pool Schedule.
Lap lanes are for lap swimming only.
Lap lanes are intended to accommodate one swimmer at a time during slow business time. If we become so busy that swimmers are waiting for a lane, we ask that lane-sharing and circle swimming come into play.
Life jackets and other floatation devices are not allowed in the competition pool.
Stunt diving from the pool sides is prohibited.
Hanging or playing on the lane markers is not allowed.
Diving blocks are to be used only by authorized teams and instructors for instructional purposes.
Water Walking is allowed in the Competition Pool ONLY if no swimmer is waiting for a lane for lap swimming.
Recreation Pool Rules
No diving into the Recreation Pool.
For individuals who cannot swim and wish to use a flotation device, the flotation item must be designated as “Coast Guard Approved”.
Common sense practices should be used when determining recreational flotation devices appropriate for use in the Recreation Pool. Small round floats, pool noodles and kickboards are acceptable. A GVAC Team Member may ask Members and guests to remove flotation devices if the pool is high in capacity.
Ball playing is prohibited in the pools and on the pool decks. Ball play is permitted on the lawn during warm months when the Outdoor Terrace is open.
Cold Deluge Shower Rules
Members and guests must be 16 or older to use the Cold Deluge Shower or accompanied by an adult (there are deck showers in each pool area available for use for all ages.)
Swimsuits must be worn in the Cold Deluge Shower and deck showers.
Play Fountain Rules
Children should be supervised at all times while using the Play Fountain. The Play Fountain is intended for very young children accompanied by a parent or guardian.
The Play Fountain will be evacuated and closed during weather where lightning is probable.
Running, horseplay, and reckless behavior is prohibited.
Drinking of water from the Play Fountain is not allowed.
No soap, detergents, or shampoos allowed in the Play Fountain.
Pool toys, floats, and other athletic equipment are not allowed in the Play Fountain.